Irish Cheer Little Girls Clinic and Game Performance

Clinic Dates Below 

(Note: Please attend your age group on both days!  There are 2 practice days.)

Clinic Day 1: Thursday, January 30th - location - BMCHS Cheer Room

K-1st Grade: 4pm-6pm

2nd-4th Grade: 6:30pm-8:30pm

Clinic Day 2: Thursday, February 6th (You will receive shirts this evening, it is important to attend) - location - BMCHS Cheer Room

K-1st Grade: 4pm-6pm

2nd-4th Grade: 6:30pm-8:30pm

Performance Date: Friday, February 7th

K-1st & 2nd-4th: Arrive at the BMCHS gymnasium at 6:00pm

There will be (2) Halftime Performances - Varsity Girls Halftime and Varsity Boys Halftime

*Note: Parents will need to purchase a ticket for the Basketball game.  $7 cash at the door or purchase online.

Cost to attend - $80

Each attendee receives instruction and a T-shirt

Registration will end on January 24th!



Consent & Liability

I, the parent/guardian of the child listed above, grant permission for my child to participate in cheer camp at Bishop McGuinness Catholic High School. The camp takes place under the guidance and direction of Bishop McGuinness Catholic High School employees, staff and/or volunteers. 
As a parent/guardian, I remain legally responsible for any personal actions taken by the above named minor. I agree on behalf of myself, my child, or our heirs/successors, and assigns to hold harmless and defend Bishop McGuinness Catholic High School, its officers, directors and agents, and the Archdiocese of Oklahoma City, coaches, chaperones or representatives associated with the event, arising from or in connection with my child attending the event, or in connection with any illness, injury or cost of medical treatment in connection therewith, and I agree to compensate the school, its officers, directors and agents, and the Archdiocese of Oklahoma City, coaches, chaperones or representatives associated with the activity for reasonable attorney's fees and expenses arising in connection therewith.
Must contain a date in M/D/YYYY format

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